Maha Calculator

Book Value
Book Value Calculator

Book Value(BV) Example:

Purchased cost of equipment- 50,000

Estimated  useful life- 5 years

Salvage value-0.

Annual depreciation expense would be 10,000 (50,000 / 5 years).

Accumulated depreciation- 30,000 (10,000 * 3 years). So BV on the 3rd year is then :  50,000-30,000=20,000  


A company purchases machinery for 50,000. Over time, the machinery depreciates by 10,000. To calculate the BV of the machinery after depreciation:

BV= 50,000 (Original Cost) – 10,000 (Accumulated Depreciation) = 40,000

Therefore, the BV of the machinery after depreciation is 40,000  (1st year). This represents the remaining value of the asset on the company’s balance sheet after accounting for depreciation.

Reference (External Link)

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